Gabriel Ezenri B.Pharm, CSCA

Gabriel Ezenri B.Pharm, CSCA

Co-Principal Investigator

Gabriel Ezenri is a pharmacist, global health researcher, and tech entrepreneur. With an unwavering commitment to improving healthcare outcomes, Gabriel has dedicated himself to making a positive impact in the fields of pharmacy and global health.

Through his research endeavors, Gabriel strives to advance healthcare practices, particularly in underserved communities, by implementing evidence-based interventions.

Driven by an entrepreneurial spirit, Gabriel embraces the transformative power of technology to revolutionize healthcare delivery. As a tech entrepreneur, he focuses on leveraging innovative solutions to enhance access to quality care for individuals worldwide.

In recognition of his dedication to the fight against HIV/AIDS, Gabriel is a member of the International AIDS Society. This esteemed global organization serves as a catalyst for research, knowledge exchange, and advocacy in the field of HIV/AIDS. By fostering collaboration among scientists, healthcare professionals, policymakers, and community advocates, the International AIDS Society aims to reduce the global impact of HIV/AIDS.

Through his multifaceted roles and active involvement in the International AIDS Society, Gabriel makes significant contributions to the global health landscape. With a vision of a world where everyone has equitable access to quality healthcare and the burden of HIV/AIDS is eliminated, Gabriel remains steadfast in his pursuit of meaningful change and a brighter future for all.. He is the co-principal investigator at the Person-Centered HIV Research Team (PeCHIVReT).